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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

rain, rain, rain go away

Normally I would not be caught dead speaking such a phrase, but enough is enough. 10-12 hours a day. I didn't even think that was possible. Oh well. I still love you, rain, however a little sunshine in costa rica would be nice. Please and thank you.


We arrived in san jose, costa rica yesterday after another tica bus trip with more movies in espanol. Mmmm love it. Actually yes man was still a quality movie. Zooey deschanel :)


Our time in nicaragua was filled with opportunities. When we first got to managua I truly didn't know what to expect and felt a little discouraged. Then my inbox flooded with emails of missionaries wanting to meet with us. It wass really cool to see the doors open out of nothing and to be re-encouarged (if that's a word).


It was very interesting hearing about the unique visions and lives each of the missionaries had. We had a lovely dinner with wayne and megan at pizza hut (which truthfully was amazing). They are two amazing people from the casselberry area. How crazy is that!


For me the beauty in managua was in the people we met not the streets, landscapes, or markets. Their hearts showed their desire to help that place and their love for the people. This was evident and I fear if we had not seen the city through the eyes of these people we would have looked past the city and the people without delay, for it is easy for us to lose sight of the present on such a long trip. Our minds easily flow into overload mode and we forget about the value and importance of every moment. I can only hope that we will be able to remember clearly as much as we can from each place and each person we meet.


Everyone has a story and if we get lost in the chaotic, frantic pace of our own lives we lose the chance for true community and growth with the people we are around.


Random: I'm tired of fried chicken, soda, and bland food!


Also I really want a hammock seat thing. They are quite heavenly :)


I miss music dearly. I miss my friends and family even more. It's weird not being able to just sit and relax with a guitar or a piano.


jordan made a kitty friend at the last hostel we stayed at in grenada. It would stick it's paws under our door. So of course we fed it chinese leftovers. Ugh cats. This one was as close to liking cats as I can get. Creepy creatures.


Coffee update. Still think it's pretty nasty. Which is truth.


Haha oh and I nearly forgot I was the only member of the team lucky enough to experience a gay guy trying to lead me to his market booth by wrapping his arms around my waist. I avoided the area quite carefully after that.


That's all for now.


Love yall


  1. I literally Lol'ed at the moves the gay guy put on you. Classic. I'm sorry you have no way to relieve your music deprivation. If you haven't satisfied your longings by the time you return, I will make sure we schedule a whole day Jam-a-thon and it'll be awesome.

    Still prayin for yall!

    P.S. Enlighten me on how you fix your coffee :) please do not tell me you are drinking it black!

  2. I agree with bobby, the gay guy making a move made me laugh...and yes, Cory, if you are drinking your coffee black you will NOT like it... you need LOTS of cream and sugar so it tastes like CANDY!!! :)

    I miss you kind Sir,
    And I am praying for you daily.

  3. lol lol lol. your encounter with the gay guy was just too priceless. thank you for sharing that with us. black coffee is kind of revolting. i love how you're finding the beauty in the people and not your surroundings. cory, you are quite the sage. Miss you, and you're in my prayers buddy. :)

  4. finally i figured out how to post responses on this dang nifty thing.

    CORY!!!! :)
    your blogs bring laughter & smiles to my face. and i cannot help but think how truly awesome God is using you!
    praying for you! & so is my Intercultural class...we lifted all of the team up in class the other day!
