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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 1-2

As a forewarning i am an amatuer blogger and thus these entries will hopefully
improve over time, but at the start im afraid to say they will probably be dull

Guatemala. Our first stop! The airport was uneventful, but the taxi ride was
exhilarating. Traffic laws are very much guidelines (if even that) as multiple
times we ran stop signs without even pretending to slow down. Haha and today
(day 2) i saw a few cars just decide red lights werent worth their time (in the
middle of guatemala city).

Our hostel is very laid back and everyone is super friendly. We are staying here
at least one more night, for the atmosphere alone is quite relaxing. Today we
got to take a short ride to Antigua, Chicken buses are insane! Imagine roller
coasters mixed with mountain roads, throw in a handful more people than twice
what the bus should hold and you have close to what we experienced. Suprisingly
safe though and very entertaining.

Yesterday i landed hesitant about what this trip would encompass and now im
excited to see where God takes us. Already we've been handed opportunities and
connections with three different people. I cant way to see what God has in store
for us as we continue.

Be praying for us. Miss you all!

Odd sight/experience of the day: Two people making out like nobodys business on
a chicken bus. orrrr possibly the grandest burger king of them all... here haha.


  1. Cory!!! I love you and I'm praying for you. I'm so glad that God is already showing you that He will provide! I am insanely jealous of all that you are experiencing! Keep on writing, this was not dull at all!!! :) I know this trip is going to be amazing for ya'll!

    I'll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. - Jeremiah 29:11 (The Message)

  2. oh Cory Johnathan, you're quite the blogger. I miss you mister and i'm gladd to see the your experience is starting of great!

    Can't wait till you come back, I know that you'll be filled with millions of stories of how God moved in you and worked through you. Enjoy yourself boy. i love you, just a leetle though :)

  3. Ha Ha good stuff man. Not bad for your first post as an amateur blogger. As an experienced blog READER I thought it was fine. Prayin for ya man!

  4. Corayyy!! Holy cow, that already sounds so exciting! I can't wait to hear more stories of your adventures along the way and I'm so excited to hear how God moves through you all!! I miss you!! Then again, i have a cory john look-alike at my school :)

  5. awh Cory! i'm so glad that we're gonna be able to keep up with what you guys are doing like this. Makes me feel like a creeper! maybe i'm taking after you. ;) heheh. I love and miss you so much!

  6. Hey cory!
    lol your first blog wasn't dull. it was quite intriguing. i'm so glad you got there safely and were able to have opportunities to make connections. i miss you and love you! i'll be praying for you guys every day. :)

  7. Cory...we are greatful for your growing desire to serve God in any capacity. We know you are making a difference.
    I prayed that your group would be safe and also that others would be drawn to your group and the Message you bring.
    Stay prayed up!
    Mrs. Spoon
