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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

rain, rain, rain go away

Normally I would not be caught dead speaking such a phrase, but enough is enough. 10-12 hours a day. I didn't even think that was possible. Oh well. I still love you, rain, however a little sunshine in costa rica would be nice. Please and thank you.


We arrived in san jose, costa rica yesterday after another tica bus trip with more movies in espanol. Mmmm love it. Actually yes man was still a quality movie. Zooey deschanel :)


Our time in nicaragua was filled with opportunities. When we first got to managua I truly didn't know what to expect and felt a little discouraged. Then my inbox flooded with emails of missionaries wanting to meet with us. It wass really cool to see the doors open out of nothing and to be re-encouarged (if that's a word).


It was very interesting hearing about the unique visions and lives each of the missionaries had. We had a lovely dinner with wayne and megan at pizza hut (which truthfully was amazing). They are two amazing people from the casselberry area. How crazy is that!


For me the beauty in managua was in the people we met not the streets, landscapes, or markets. Their hearts showed their desire to help that place and their love for the people. This was evident and I fear if we had not seen the city through the eyes of these people we would have looked past the city and the people without delay, for it is easy for us to lose sight of the present on such a long trip. Our minds easily flow into overload mode and we forget about the value and importance of every moment. I can only hope that we will be able to remember clearly as much as we can from each place and each person we meet.


Everyone has a story and if we get lost in the chaotic, frantic pace of our own lives we lose the chance for true community and growth with the people we are around.


Random: I'm tired of fried chicken, soda, and bland food!


Also I really want a hammock seat thing. They are quite heavenly :)


I miss music dearly. I miss my friends and family even more. It's weird not being able to just sit and relax with a guitar or a piano.


jordan made a kitty friend at the last hostel we stayed at in grenada. It would stick it's paws under our door. So of course we fed it chinese leftovers. Ugh cats. This one was as close to liking cats as I can get. Creepy creatures.


Coffee update. Still think it's pretty nasty. Which is truth.


Haha oh and I nearly forgot I was the only member of the team lucky enough to experience a gay guy trying to lead me to his market booth by wrapping his arms around my waist. I avoided the area quite carefully after that.


That's all for now.


Love yall

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Muchos Grande

This is hard.

I dont have the words to say that can describe the emotions that this trip evokes in me. Its so contradicting. Its rewarding and shocking. Its illuminating and disheartening. Its hopeful yet desperate. It can be beautiful but also decrepit. Its confusing.

I fear portraying these countries and people in the wrong light. It is true that a vast majority of the places we have seen have enormous poor populations, however this does not diminish the fact that they are equally entitled to life and hope as I am. They're differences show the diversity and creativity that is so alive in the world. Life, no, creation is so incredibly stunning and our differences only add more beauty to the ingeniousness of God.

Seeing life as this dynamic and changing thing, startles me, because way too often at home i live in the realms of my comfort zone and dare not venture out. Its a challenge to see that risks may be worthwhile in the end, but possibly I need to be just a little, actually quite a lot more open to the people around me. Too often we pass up opportunities in our lives, because our fickle daily routine is much too valuable to be disturbed. I fear getting lost in the monotony of life.

The people in these countries are teaching me, not directly, but indirectly that maybe its time to look past myself and see the world as way, way, way bigger than me. haha unfortunately its way too easy to see everything in the light of whats easy.

Anyways, this trip and all we've seen thus far is enlightening. As you can see though its hard for me to describe the specifics of what we do day to day so ill leave that mainly up to the others, instead ill write reflections mostly in my blog.

We're in Managua as of now and plan to spend check out a few opportunities around here soon. Im also trying my best to begin to like the wretched thing that is coffee. Goodness i hope i dont achieve it, we all know how nasty it is.

On another note, Jordan is trying his best to convince me to let him make my beard "fresh" I think ill stick with roughness, however i fear he will get me one night and ill wake up with lightning blots on my cheeks haha. 

Interesting note. So far ive met people from France, South Korea, England, Germany, Australia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and now Nicaragua. i cant wait to add to the list!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Long Nights, More Thoughts

Amidst the chaos that is the trip, I cannot help but be confronted with the fact that though our culture in america is so strikingly different than culture here, people are people and with that comes comfort.


Let me be a little more specific. As our bus took us from guatemala city to Tegucigalpa honduras I had plenty of time to think. A little more than I would have liked seeing as how the trip was like 16 hours ugh. The night sky came in and I realized that one the scenery was even more beautiful lit up by a fierce lightning storm and two that people aren't that different as days come to close. The night invites us to sleep whether we are americans far from home or locals. And with this idea I grasped that human connection we share with all people.


The alienating feeling I felt being in such foreign lands among people I do not understand seemed to pale, at least a little and I began to see everyone in a new light.


With that being said life here is so rough. I cannot imagine scraping a living here much less how people seem to persevere.  They are a people of resiliency. It is hard to see the need continuously and feel helpless in making a sizable difference on a widespread scale.


I'm not huge on the majoir cities because it's all so overwhelming, but I have really enjoyed our time in la esperanza. Getting to meet and see how God moves in pastor armando's church was an awesome experience. I hope that we continue to meet people that we can serve and learn from along the way.


In other news jordan is keeping me entrrtained and constantly challenging me to a game of punches. No es muy fuerte soooo I'll stick to pacifism.


Meals are always interesting here as well. Mystery pizza, banana soda, and a taquitos in what tasted like pasta sauce are just a few examples of the cuisine I've been priviliged to try. Oh what I'd give for a nice plate of no suprises. Haha miss ya'll mucho.


I'll update as often as I can :) cheers. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 1-2

As a forewarning i am an amatuer blogger and thus these entries will hopefully
improve over time, but at the start im afraid to say they will probably be dull

Guatemala. Our first stop! The airport was uneventful, but the taxi ride was
exhilarating. Traffic laws are very much guidelines (if even that) as multiple
times we ran stop signs without even pretending to slow down. Haha and today
(day 2) i saw a few cars just decide red lights werent worth their time (in the
middle of guatemala city).

Our hostel is very laid back and everyone is super friendly. We are staying here
at least one more night, for the atmosphere alone is quite relaxing. Today we
got to take a short ride to Antigua, Chicken buses are insane! Imagine roller
coasters mixed with mountain roads, throw in a handful more people than twice
what the bus should hold and you have close to what we experienced. Suprisingly
safe though and very entertaining.

Yesterday i landed hesitant about what this trip would encompass and now im
excited to see where God takes us. Already we've been handed opportunities and
connections with three different people. I cant way to see what God has in store
for us as we continue.

Be praying for us. Miss you all!

Odd sight/experience of the day: Two people making out like nobodys business on
a chicken bus. orrrr possibly the grandest burger king of them all... here haha.